Burcott Mill Flour is sold in a variety of high quality retailers across Somerset. These suppliers are listed below, along with contact details. Alternatively, if you live Somerset you can order it to be delivered along with other local produce from Somerset Local Food Direct. Simply call them on 01458 830801 or visit their web-site: www.localfooddirect.co.uk

Wells The Good Earth 01749 678600 thegoodearthwells.co.uk
Glastonbury Earthfare 01458 8310040 earthfare.co.uk
Frome White Row Country Foods 01373 830798 whiterowfarm.co.uk
Shepton Mallett Jon Thorners 01749 830138 jonthorners.co.uk
Chewton Mendip Bread and Beyond 01761 240820 no website/

South Somerset
Illminster Minster Health Foods 01460 57930 minster-pharmacy.co.uk
South Petherton The Trading Post 01460 241666 tradingpostorganics.co.uk
Pitney Pitney Farm Shop 01458 253002 pitneyfarmshop.co.uk

North East Somerset
Farrington Gurney Farrington Farm Shop 01761 452266 farringtons.co.uk
Midsomer Norton The Green Shop 01761 418857 greenshopmsn.co.uk

Sedgemoor and North Somerset
Wedmore Hectors Farm Shop 01934 712384 hectorsfarmshop.co.uk
Weston-Super-Mare Puxton Park 01934 523500 puxton.co.uk
Burnham on Sea Kyffins Health Foods 01278 783866 no website